Naas & Co. Kildare News

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€1m. water service bill for Naas town

05.03. 2012

Published on Monday 5 March 2012 07:30

NAAS politicians are unhappy about being asked to make a contribution of €1m for a secure water supply into the future - but there’s nothing they can do about it.

News that the contribution is being sought from the coffers of Naas Town Council emerged at a council meeting last week.

Although the supplies are currently adequate for the town, there is a need to ensure that an adequate water source is available in future years when or if the population grows.

It was attacked by Cllr. Darren Scully who said the town was being asked to pay €1m towards something that may never be used.

Cllr. Scully questioned whether the population would grow or development would take place as predicted in Naas.

“This will make us more self reliant and we cannot plan for the future unless we approve this,” said Town Engineer David Reel.

Councillors were told that much of the water supply in Naas (about 95%) comes from Dublin.

Town Manager Eamon O’Sullivan said NTC currently pays about €750,000 for water each year and the €1m request is towards the cost of paying for a treatment system which will produce the water.

“The €1m contribution is a capital cost towards a future source which will come from the River Barrow. It is like the contribution we made to the ring road system around Naas which benefits Naas as well as areas outside the town,” he explained.

He pointed out that the need for security of supply was illustrated by recent problems with water supply and pressure in the town. Mr. O’Sullivan was referring to the pressure problems experienced at different parts of the town recently. These problems were accentuated by the freezing weather conditions over a year ago.

“This is vital infrastructure for the future. At the moment development is not taking place but when the recovery does start we have to ensure Naas is well placed to develop in the future,” he added.

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